Project Description

I am two-thirds of the man I used to be, and the fittest I’ve ever been. All at the age of 44 and all as a result of being a member of the CrossFit Bath community for the past three and a half years. The team has created a welcoming environment for people of all ages and fitness levels. We all train together, we all experience the suffering of the workouts and the exhilaration of completing the workouts together; the last person to finish gets the biggest cheer – and that is me quite often. But that is the point – it’s about being better than yesterday, not comparing yourself to others.

The coaches are very knowledgeable and know the members by name, making sure movements are done correctly and safely before intensely and quickly. Hearing my name mid-workout with a “get back to the bar” or “good work, keep it up” helps me to work that bit harder.

CrossFit Bath is a gym where you want to go to train with other members, where people notice if you don’t show up and want to see you train hard with them and improve; a gym which I am proud to say I am a member of.