Words from the coach:

“We’re going to work towards a 6 week program to help improve your running. Whether you’re a beginner and have no running experience or have run 5km to marathons there should be something for you. To get the most out of it you’d complete 2x sessions per week, those that have run before you could throw in a longer slower run too if you have the time/capacity.
At the end of the 6 weeks beginners should see a marked improvement in running, being able to run non stop for 20-30mins, and those who are more intermediate to advanced should see a decrease in 5km and 10km times having focused on speed and interval work”
Lydia Storr-Meddings

Warm Up

Active Stretches, start at feet and work your way up

  • Calf stretch / skipping
  • Shoo the chickens hamstring stretch
  • Open and close gate – hips
  • High knees and heel flicks


Session 1 (Beginner)

Speed Intervals

2 sets

20s Fast

40s Slow Jog / Walk


6 sets:

45s Fast Jog

45s Slow Jog

30s Fast Walk

Cool Down – Walk 2 mins then 3 mins continuous Jog

RPE- 8


Session 1 (Intermediate)


2 sets

50s Fast Jog

10s Sprint


2 sets

3 mins Hard Effort

3 mins Jog


2 sets:

2 mins Hard Effort

2 mins Jog


2 sets:

1 min Hard Effort

1 min Jog

RPE – 8/9


Session 2 (Beginner)

Steady Pace

5-6 sets

4 mins Steady Pace

2 mins Fast Walk

RPE – 7


Session 2 (Intermediate)


20 mins for distance

  • if you cant measure distance we are looking for a fast pace for 20 mins

RPE – 9-10